
In the jobs market today, finding and retaining good employees can be a challenge. The Society for Human Resource Management reported that on average it costs a company 6 to 9 months of an employee’s salary to replace an employee. So if an employee makes $75,000 per year it will cost the company $37,500-$56,250 in recruiting and training. We all know that your employees are the face of your company, they are the people that make your products, they are the people that manage your projects, and they are the glue that holds your ship together. There are many things your company can do such as competitive salaries, benefits, etc. Below are a few things you can do, that really don’t cost much, to retain your productive employees.

About ASST - Our people make all the difference.

Make sure that you show appreciation for good work with positive reinforcement. Sometimes a simple “nice job” or “thank you” can go a long way. Employees want to know that Going Beyond is recognized. If you have employees that manufacture a product, share with them the end result of their work. For example, if you manufacture millwork for hospitals, show employees completed pictures of the hospital. Let them know that because of their hard work, a place for healing has been created. If you build schools, let your employees know that because of their hard work our future leaders have a place to learn and grow.

ASST employees are the key factor to our success.

The US Chamber of Congress list “Allowing employees to speak their minds” as one of the most important methods of retaining employees. It is important for employees to feel that their opinions about the business are being heard by management. Make sure that employees have a method to share their opinions with management. Make sure that you address all suggestions no matter how silly they might sound. If your employee Bobbi suggests that everyone gets a new car you could respond by saying “Hey Bobbi, this isn’t the Oprah show… you get a car… you get a car… but we are providing lunch for everyone at the employee safety meeting on Friday”. If you have an employee that makes a suggestion, that helps with efficiency, and that suggestion is implemented, acknowledge the recommendation in front of that person’s peers.

Happiness is infectious and happy employees are more productive than disgruntle employees. Forbes recently cited a study by Camille Preston that happy employees are up to 20% more productive and with sales people that number increases to 37%. A simple smile when passing someone can have a profound effect in how that person feels. Start meetings with a piece of good news. This can set the tone for your meeting. Make happy part of your company culture.

Encourage a work life balance. If you are in a manufacturing or labor intensive industry give your employees flexible start/stop times. Let your employees know that you understand that they have a life outside of work and you want to promote a healthy balance.

At ASST, we know that productive employees need more than continued employment. Our employees are the face of our company and they really are the glue that holds our ship together. Our employees fabricate and install your best work!!

COVID-19 made 2020 an extremely difficult year for everyone and especially commercial construction. Because of the perseverance of our teams, ASST was able to make 2020 a successful year. Because of sites being closed down, material shortages, travel restrictions and more our backlog has been a moving target. Our project teams have been able to jockey our projects around like trailers at an Amazon distribution center. Thank you to our trade partners, distributors and our vendors for being a part of this success during a difficult time. This short video displays a few of our recent and unique projects.

At ASST, one of our Core Values is PERSEVERANCE: Willing to keep working until we succeed.
ASST is uniquely positioned to fulfill all aspects of your casework, millwork, solid surface and quartz projects. Whatever you need, ASST can build it to the exact specifications, in a safe manner and to the finest quality standards you expect. We look forward to Going Beyond for your exciting project!

Contact us today at info@asst.com or visit our website at www.asst.com.

At ASST we are overjoyed to have participated in a project that is sure to bring smiles to children and their families during a time of illness. Our team worked tirelessly to bring this project to fruition, on time and in budget. If you take the time to view this video you will see how our processes work and meet some of the team members that were willing to Go Beyond to provide a healing space for children.

At ASST, we have been providing Division 6 and Division 12 millwork, casework, solid surfaces and quartz for large healthcare projects for 22 years. We understand that to become a beacon of hope for an entire community, the healing space must be innovative and constructed with the highest standards. We have the experience to provide project scope on time, in budget and we do it safely. Whatever you need, ASST can build it to the exact specifications, in a safe manner and to the finest quality standards, you expect. We look forward to Going Beyond for your exciting project! Contact us today at info@asst.com or visit our website at www.asst.com.

Do you have a reliable trade partner that you can call on for large Division 6 and Division 12 packages? Large projects require trade partners who have the experience managing scope that can be chaotic at times.
There are many subcontractors who do not possess the wherewithal to handle the capacity and changes of large projects. So many subcontractors are willing to bite off more than they can chew and, in doing so, place projects at risk.
At ASST (ə-ˈsist), we have been managing large Division 6 and Division12 projects for 22 years. Our Project Mangers understand that being flexible and managing change is part of the job. Our fabrication facilities are designed to maximize quality and throughput. All of our fabricators and installers have mobile devices that are tied to our ERP and we QR code track all work orders. We can bond at $40M/project and $100M aggregate. At ASST, we have the scope of mind to bring large millwork, casework, solid surface and quartz projects to successful completion, on time, in budget and safely.
At ASST, we have been fabricating healthcare solid surfaces for 22 years. We have a solid surface fabrication facility in McSherrystown, PA and a quartz fabrication facility in Corry, PA. Whatever your needs, ASST can build it to the exact specifications, in a safe manner and to the finest quality standards you expect.


division casework

Commercial Construction is an extremely dynamic business. There are many moving parts and the only way to predict the outcome is to know every variable (Chaos Theory/Butterfly Effect). A manufacturer flaps their wings in China (can’t produce material) and a tornado happens in Texas (occupancy dates are pushed).  This is akin to predicting the weather three weeks from today. The best you can do is prepare for multiple scenarios and make sure that you have the right trade partners.

Recently we were contacted by a customer who needed material fabricated for a job that another company had been contracted to fabricate. The company that had been contracted to fabricate this material was unable to produce in the timeframe required for occupancy of the project. ASST was asked if we could produce this needed product in an impossible time frame. Our team recognized an opportunity to highlight our ability to Go Beyond for our customer and we found a way to squeeze this into our backlog schedule. Could we do this every time? No, but we will always do our best to exceed the expectations of our customers.

At ASST our first Core Value is BEYOND: Doing more than our competitors to assist our customers. ASST is uniquely positioned to fulfill all aspects of your casework, millwork, solid surface and quartz project. Whatever you need, ASST can build it to the exact specifications, in a safe manner and to the finest quality standards you expect. We look forward to Going Beyond for your exciting project! Contact us today at info@asst.com or visit our website at www.asst.com.

man at construction site

Is your Division 6 and Division 12 millwork, casework, solid surfaces and quartz trade partner ready for the new normal of commercial construction?

When commercial construction projects resume normal operations, some of your trade partners may not be ready for the new normal of the expectations of social distancing. Some of your trade partners may not even have made it through these difficult times. Do you know that your millwork, casework, solid surface and quartz trade partner will be ready when the flood gates open up? Is your Division 6 and Division 12 trade partner even still in business?

At ASST (ə-ˈsist), we expect that there will be a fast upswing in commercial project schedules as states are opened up to resume the new normal of commercial construction business operations. Because we are an essential business, we have already made the changes necessary to distance our employees and have even found a way to increase capacity while doing so. The safety of our employees and our customers is paramount in all the decisions we make. We are now looking at ways to monitor our social distancing practices within our ERP and our mobile devices. At ASST, we don’t forget the past and we are always looking to the future.

We are here to assist you with immediate, near future and distant future projects. ASST has been safely providing exceptional Division 6/12 millwork, casework, solid surfaces and quartz for 22 years. We have a solid surface fabrication facility in McSherrystown, PA and a quartz fabrication facility in Corry, PA. Whatever your needs, ASST can build it to the exact specifications, in a safe manner and to the finest quality standards you expect. Contact us now online, email us (info@asst.com) or call us at 717-630-1251. WWW.ASST.COM

health care architecture

Do you have a reliable trade partner that you can call on for large Division 6 and Division 12 packages? Large projects require trade partners who have the experience managing scope that can be chaotic at times.

There are many subcontractors who do not possess the wherewithal to handle the capacity and changes of large projects. So many subcontractors are willing to bite off more than they can chew and, in doing so, place projects at risk.

At ASST (ə-ˈsist), we have been managing large Division 6 and Division12 projects for 22 years. Our Project Mangers understand that being flexible and managing change is part of the job. Our fabrication facilities are designed to maximize quality and throughput. All of our fabricators and installers have mobile devices that are tied to our ERP and we QR code track all work orders. We can bond at $25M/project and $70M aggregate. At ASST, we have the scope of mind to bring large millwork, casework, solid surface and quartz projects to successful completion, on time, in budget and safely.

We are here to assist you with immediate, near future and distant future projects. ASST has been safely providing exceptional Division 6/12 millwork, casework, solid surfaces and quartz for 22 years. We have a solid surface fabrication facility in McSherrystown, PA and a quartz fabrication facility in Corry, PA. Whatever your needs, ASST can build it to the exact specifications, in a safe manner and to the finest quality standards you expect. Contact us now online or call us at 717-630-1251. WWW.ASST.COM

asst office


At ASST (ə-ˈsist), we want what every Owner, Architect and General Contractor wants: Successful projects that are completed on time, in budget and done safely.

During these tough times, we have to fall back on our core values and one of the core values at ASST is perseverance. We continue to work safely until we succeed. Our employees have been provided the proper PPE and our fabrication facilities have ample space to allow for social distancing. We are also adding another shift to further distance employees from each other.

We are here to assist you with immediate, near future and distant future projects. ASST has been safely providing exceptional Division 6/12 millwork, casework, solid surfaces and quartz for 22 years.

Call or email us to discuss how we can ASST you during these tough times.

Teamwork: we all know what it means, but do we know how to practice it? If you have ever succeeded in sports or been part of a group of people making music, you understand the importance of teamwork. The same principles apply to commercial construction. Teamwork is essential to both your organization and your trade partners.

We have all heard the well-worn phrases “The customer is always right” and “The customer is centric to our business”.  A balance between caring for the customer and being profitable can be difficult for any organization. A lack of alignment between the employee’s desire to listen to customers and resolve issues is a very real problem for many organizations striving to create a customer-oriented culture. How do we create a great team of people working to assist our customers and be profitable?

At ASST, we strive to keep the customer focus on the alignment of our mission, with our name and slogan. ASST (pronounced ə-ˈsist) keeps that focus in front of all employees. Going Beyond is our work ethic. Beyond Surface Level Solutions is assisting with challenges others avoid. ASST also routinely solicits feedback from our customers providing a unique window into what our customers think and feel. At ASST, we are setting the tone for a positive culture of teamwork and great customer service.

ASST is uniquely positioned to fulfill all aspects of your project. Whatever you need, ASST can build it to the exact specifications, in a safe manner and to the finest quality standards you expect. We look forward to Going Beyond for your exciting project! Contact us today at 717-630-1251 or visit our website at www.asst.com.

ASST Employees on Shop Floor

Most companies will tell you that loyal employees are their most important asset. What does that mean? How does a company keep the employees engaged in their job, feel valued and keep the company going in a positive direction? When employees are engaged and feel valued it shows in the quality of their work.

Many employers today view their employees as overhead. Some organizations see employees as a line item on the accounting spreadsheet, somewhere between cleaning supplies and fuel expense. Employees that don’t feel valued or engaged will always perform at a lower level. The cost of letting employees know they are valued and keeping them engaged compared to unhappy employees is minimal. Disengaged employees are less innovative, discontented, less productive and more likely to leave. High rates of employee turnover can be costly especially when it comes to training. According to Entrepreneur.com unhappy workers cost the U.S. up to $550 Billion annually.

At ASST we value our employees. We show our workers this by promoting and nourishing professional development, providing lunch for our monthly safety meeting, sharing stories/pictures of high profile jobs and sometimes just a “hey nice job”. Our management staff is not afraid to make some dust, often will help out in our fabrication facility an even help do installation. At ASST our employees are our most valuable asset. They know it and it shows in the quality of our solid surface fabrication.

If you want your next solid surface project to stand out from the rest, let our employees fabricate it for you. Whatever you need, ASST can build it to your exact specifications, in a safe manner, and to the quality standards you expect. Contact us now online or call us at 717-630-1251.