
We’ve all made the statement “There has to be a better way”. The typical progression of questions asked by most solid surface fabricators are “How do we bring our solid surfaces to Market? How can we break into the larger solid surface projects? What are the limitations of what we can do with solid surfaces? How can we become more efficient in our fabrication processes?”

The cost of trial and error in solid surface fabrication can be expensive. Will a new $500,000.00 5axis CNC make your shop more efficient? Will minimizing ‘flip’ in your fabrication process improve your thermoforming capabilities? Probably not but a 5Axis can help you with your thermoforming and minimizing “flip” will help production line efficiency.

Collaboration ~ The work and activity of a number of persons who individually contribute toward the efficiency of the whole.

At ASST we are hosting the ISFA Solid Surface Industry Roundtable on August 13th-15th. The discussions will include How to Get the Work (two parts), Helping the Design Process Through Education, Shop Layout and Processes, AWI Specifications/QC Standards. We will also be doing a tour of the ASST fabrication facility, dinners and a unique Ghost Tour in Gettysburg.

Sign up today to join the ISFA Solid Surface Roundtable Discussion at ASST. For registration and more information please visit https://www.isfanow.org/index.php?option=com_jevents&task=icalevent.detail&evid=89