Month: June 2018

20 Years


The period of 2008 to 2012 witnessed even better project opportunities for ASST. Larger healthcare, education and important public projects such as the White House Visitor Center continued to help build ASST’s documented experience and capabilities.

We look forward to Going Beyond™ for the next twenty!

Over the next three months we will be rewinding the past with some highlights of our history to date. Below are the third five years:

Timeline of ASST's third five years

Flush Mount SinkWhat is a flush mounted sink? A sink whereas the edge is flush with the top. There are different ways to mount a sink. Sinks can be top mounted, under mounted, or flush mounted. A sink that is glued or braced to the top of the counter creating an overlap is top mounted. This type of sink can be simply dropped in, glued and caulked. It can also be dropped in, fastened with hardware underneath and caulked. Under mounted sinks are glued under the counter or mounted with hardware. Flush mounted sinks are also glued under the counter. The counter is then cut down to fit the dimensions of the sink.

In all commercial environments reducing the risk of bacterial infection is essential. Mitigating the risk of bacterial infection is most essential in healthcare, education and laboratory environments. Since up to 80 percent of a bacterial cell’s weight is water, a sink is an ideal place for bacteria to propagate. Traditional top mount or bottom mount sinks leave a lip. This lip combined with moisture is a perfect environment for bacteria to lurk. Designing and building sink tops and bowls that promote bacterial growth can be a liability for the customer.

Flush mounted sinks are seamless, reducing the risk of bacterial growth, and aesthetically pleasing. The sink and top act as one continuous surface. This seamless design allows for a chic look and a healthy environment. ASST fabricates and installs these solid surface flush mounted sinks for commercial environments.

Call us today for your next commercial solid surface flush mounted sink project! Whatever you need, ASST can build it to your exact specifications, in a safe manner, and to the finest quality standards you expect. Contact us now online or call us at 717-630-1251.

Solid Surface VanityVanities are the fundamental piece of every bathroom. They not only are functional but create a style for the space. Solid surface vanity systems are the perfect combination of function and chic. Vanity systems can be made out of almost any solid surface material and used to create a practical layout for the space. Vanity Systems in public places face a considerable amount of use and abuse from the people using them. Vanity systems need to be pleasant to look at, but also serve their purpose as a tool.

Public Bathrooms are facing redesign. Standing in line while you have to use the restroom is a nuisance, and soon to be an issue of the past. As public restrooms expand to become more efficient and suitable for the volume of people using them, the need for a practical vanity systems increases. These systems are complex and need to be designed specifically for their space. How can public vanity systems be appealing, ADA compliant, easy to clean, and guaranteed to last a long time?

ASST is able to manufacture solid surface vanity systems that serve a variety of purposes in public buildings. Each ADA compliant vanity system made by ASST comes in a variety of size and colors. The designs are simple with no external fasteners which makes the vanity easy to clean. The solid surface material that ASST uses is bacteria and stain resistant. These durable vanities are made to last and easy to maintain.

Functionality is just as important as style. Whatever you need, ASST can build it to your exact specifications, in a safe manner, and to the finest quality standards you expect. Contact us now online or call us at 717-630-1251.

20 Years


The period of 2003 to 2007 witnessed many positive changes for ASST. Larger more impressive projects with higher profile clients brought growth to ASST. Our reputation for taking on project challenges others avoid was solidified by some of the important milestone projects mentioned below.

We look forward to Going Beyond™ for the next twenty!

Over the next three months we will be rewinding the past with some highlights of our history to date. Below are the second five years:

Timeline of ASST's second five years